Operations Can Be Bridge to Post Pandemic World

In general, primarily focusing on Operations Excellence is not is not a sound long term business strategy.  Large sales numbers which are generated from outstanding products and great customer service can coverup a lot of operations performance short comings.  As in sports where winning solves everything, sales and profits in business can coverup a lot of stink.  But, in the current situation where demand has dwindled to a fraction of the pre covid-19 levels for many industries, focusing on Operations Improvement can be your bridge to a post Covid-19 world.

Specifically, improvements in purchasing can reduce your product costs and improve you cash flow situation.  Improvements in inventory management, cycle times, and cost of poor quality can free-up much needed capital in these difficult times.

If you are in an organization trying to figure out how to keep your doors open and how to construct that bridge to the post pandemic world, now is a time to lean on and challenge your Operations Team like never before.